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International Payments Form

There is a lot of fraud in connection with international payments, so we ask you to be sure of what you are going to transfer to before you make the payment. In order for the bank to comply with regulations, we need you to fill in this form so that we can open up for transactions abroad.

Please include your countrycode if you have an international phonenumber (example: 0049 for Germany)

About the payment

Sanctions against certain countries can limit the possibility of transfer. Notifications of transfers abroad
If you are transfering money for buying crypto currencies we advise you to be careful: Read more on the webpages of Økokrim by clicking here (In Norwegian only)
Have you updated your information in the online bank?*
Click here to update information in online bank Information in the online bank must be updated before it can be opened for payments abroad.
Please select the number of days you would like your Internet/Mobile bank to be opened up for international payments*
With regards to security, we advise you to not open up for foreign payments any longer than necessary.
We at the bank have a duty of confidentiality, and we ensure that your personal data is processed in a secure manner in accordance with the Personal Data Act and the EU’s Data Protection Regulation General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Click on the link above to read more about the privacy policy
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